What is a Master Runner

A definition to work off of as we begin our journey

I remember the first time I heard the term Master Runner. I was at a NYRR race in Central Park in my early 30s and chating with one of the more competitive runners from my team, the North Brooklyn Runners.

My teammate had a goal to place for the Masters Team. Naturally, I asked what was the Master Team? He answered, “Well its not really its own team, the top runners over 40 are in an additional competition for club points.”

To that, I respond oh so its a compeitive thing. What I didn’t understand at the time is that running over 40 by itself is a competitive thing. As one ages it becomes harder and harder to keep going.

  • Injuries take longer to recover from. When I was young, a good nights sleep and a hearty meal was all I needed to recover from a workout. Today
  • Life gets increasingly busy. Work, Family, Responsibility. All of these things compete for time that could be spend getting some miles in. Weekends racing begin to be thought of in terms of how does this impact not just you but one’s family too.
  • The effects of aging hit you. Your metabolism slows. You lose muscle mass.

Just because things are hard doesn’t mean they’re worth doing. Running has brought me so much in my life. Keeping running in my life fulfills me in ways that I tend to only understand with hind-site. To me a master runner is:

  • Someone over 40 (technical definition)
  • Someone who is serious about running. Serious means trying to get better at. This doesn’t mean that you’re trying to set new records, win races, or other goals. Just means you have a plan and work at it.
  • Someone who accomplishes goals. Being serious isn’t quite enough unless you’re getting there. Goals are important.

As I start this site. I’m hoping to help inspire and educate others who are on the journey of the life of a runner with me. Wish me luck.